Saturday, September 10, 2011

I can't win, I can't reign; I will never win this game, without you...

What a week! Haven't even had time to log in here once. All has been well, few things have changed. Signed up for my Crossfit level One certification the weekend of October 29-30; early Bday present to myself. Still getting over the 1000 dollar price tag; but knowledge is power right? :) My days filled with training and nights filled with work and studying, what a glamorous lifestyle. Looking back on where I was 3 years ago, just settling into my first year of college and going out all the time, not really giving two shits about the future, I'd say a few things have changed. Nonetheless, I'm still me. I dropped school this past spring and some may say that was stupid or whatever but you know what? It was MY decision. The first of many decisions I've made in my adult life. I went to school not because I wanted to, but because it was seen as the social norm. My advice to everyone is to do what makes YOU happy. Life's pieces will soon fall together; take each day in stride and roll with the punches. It's those punches that define you; knocked down? Get the fuck up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. I'm happy with my decisions, both good and bad, that I've made throughout my lifetime. And I'm sure someone feels the same, if not oh well:) I do aim to please; but you have to please yourself in order to please others. I'm faced with many more "big boy decisions" in the months to come, but I look forward to them. We shall see where this path leads. Just know that when the going gets tough, it could ALWAYS be tougher. Your struggles may be rather meager compared to those scattered throughout the world. Life is short, make each day great in one way shape or form. I like to smile at everyone, or my famous wink ;) that I throw at everyone; don't get the wrong idea :) lol You never know what that personmay or may not be going through and that smile may mean night and day for some.

Enough rambling:) Great week of training. Started out strong with my 106 burpees on Monday afternoon. Went straight through and actually hit 107 in a row in 8:29. Time is whatever, someone will always be faster, somewhere. Unless I'm going heads up with someone I work my own mental goals. You may have a faster Fran, but I guarantee you my mental connection is that of yoursx10 and that, to me, is  personal victory:) Worked on a few key weaknesses over the past few days with double unders and handstand pushups. My rope finally came in from Rogue and let me tell you:it is a cadillac. Doubles have NEVER been this easy. I'm coming off one from Again Faster, and I loved that rope until it got tweaked and the cable bent. This cable is much smoother and broken in. Worked quite a few handstand options this week as well between HSPU's and static holds in the Up position. Even walked out a bit in freestand. Really getting proficient transistioning from L-sit to handstand on the paralettes. I WISH I TOOK GYMNASTICS GROWING UP fml :)

I shall be on here more often this week, promise:) To those of you following this or even taking the time to check in, THANK YOU:)  Any questions or comments feel free to ask; I'm an open book.

And Dr.Fat Cat, that P90sex shit better whip you into shape. I expect you to be hanging with me when you return from Dread school; whenever that may be. Miss you man!

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