...they just won't be around to share your victories. It's been a while since we last spoke, time has flown. Days meshed together into weeks, months, half the year is almost behind us. I'd like to think I've come QUITE a ways in these past six months; but at the same time, remained right where I belong. I wouldn't trade my experiences/opportunities for anything. Had my first real experience at a Crossfit gym. What a wonderful experience that was. I had the opportunity to meet/workout with not just some great athletes, but great people in general. That has helped me tremendously on my life journey; it has both helped me develop as an athlete and as a person. One thing we should be constantly reminded of is this: not one single person knows everything. And you will NEVER know enough about everything/everyone to make calls of judgment on them. Everyone is dealing with their own demons, and that contributes to their outlooks and actions. Make peace with outside events. Control your own temple. Who cares what Tom, Dick, or Jane is doing. Be happy for them, because you never know what they're going through. So what if Tom is the most un-kind person you've ever met? Do you know him? I mean REALLY know him? What got him there? Can you help him? Can you look past his nasty facade and really reach out? Maybe, just maybe, he's not such a bad guy after-all. Maybe you can't, and he will just try to bring you down with him. So what, you tried, and as long as you try, you can never truly fail. I guess what I'm trying to say is be the person you would want to meet. Be the motivator, the one who will look past the evil and see the good. There will ALWAYS be that one person who makes an effort, however small it may be, to bring you down. And that is OK. It will only help you grow, a GREAT man once told me, "sometimes you have to make the negative into a positive." Those are truly words to live by. You lost your keys? Well, you missed out on that car wreck on your way to work. Tough break-up? That just means there is someone out there willing to love you even more. You hit a major road block in the gym? Step back and analyze what you're doing; learn from it. "Failures" are only opportunities in disguise. I recently was certified through Crossfit, and I'm here to say that I still have MUCH to learn. And I whole-heartedly accept that. Are there better coaches in this area? Are you kidding me? Hell yeah! I encourage everyone I meet not to settle. Don't settle for mediocre, don't settle for not getting results, and don't settle for less than excellence in everything that you do. I'll never limit myself. I'll never limit those that come to me for advice, be it in the gym, or in life. I have love for everyone I've come in contact with. Even those that continue to put me down; for I do not truly know them inside and out. I've been put down my whole life, and look at me; am I successful? Well, I certainly didn't let it get me down, I didn't change who I was to fit in, and I didn't lie to impress those around me. I believe there is no true measure for success honestly. I believe in setting goals and achieving them. I say this quite often, that we are all on our own "Continuous Pursuit of Self-Mastery", but we will never finish. Because if we finish, we fail. Don't accept your greatness for success. Chalk it up as a goal you've met and move the fuck on. I have to remind myself of this at times as well, I must admit. I think we all get a bit cocky at some points in our life. Again, don't let that define you. "Walk softly, and carry a big stick." -Theodore Roosevelt If you don't have anything positive to add, don't. Let your actions speak for you.
I'm off of my soapbox now. LOL And if you honestly took the time to read this whole thing, thank you. If not, thanks:) Not that you're getting this anyways. LOL To those in my past, we will soon meet again. To those in my future, I'll see you then. But to those of you with me now, and you ALL know who you are, thank you for helping me grow into the young man that I am. The support that has been there for me even when shit got rough, I'm thankful. You've taught me that life does indeed go on. To those of you who want to bring me down or naysay, I wish you nothing but the best. AND I MEAN THAT. I will be there for you when you need it most. But you WILL NOT be there for me when I need you the most. And I accept that. Thank you all.
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