Wow. So I woke up this morning from a pretty interesting dream. It was the culmination of all the work I've been putting in over these past few years of my life. Powerlifting, crossfitting, bodybuilding. not one training regime is going to make you totally perfect. Just be ready for anything and everything. I'm always up for something new. But anyways, I was actually there;at the Crossfit games, in the finals. During the last event I lost by a mere few seconds. It is that last breath, those few seconds, where you either win or lose. And I lost. If that doesn't light a fire under your ass, I don't know what does!
Got into the gym feeling great today, came in with a purpose, as always. But this time it was something different driving me; it was a been there done that kinda thing. I was there to make my dream come true. Managed a 240 rack jerk today before being scolded for making too much noise... Gotta follow the rules I suppose. Just makes it clearer to me. Break the chains that bind you. If someone/something is holding you back, who cares. We are only failing ourselves by listening to the naysayers and following suit of what is considered "normal". I say do what makes you happy; in the end, your supporters will e there for you. It is tough to find someone that will put up with all your shit and stick by your side. Friend or foe, keep em close. Push to improve and live every moment as it is your last breath, those last few seconds WILL make or break you.